Deral Significantly Lowers Soybean and Corn Production in Parana

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At the start of the growing season, the Department of Rural Economics in the state of Parana (Deral) in southern Brazil estimated that the state would produce 21 million tons of soybeans in 2021/22, but that has now been reduced to 13 million tons with the possibility of further reductions according to the head of Deral. Hot and dry conditions especially in western Parana during November and December impacted the crop as it was filling pods.

Deral is now rating the 2021/22 soybean crop in Parana as 31% poor, 39% average, and 30% good. The soybeans were 13% in vegetative development, 3% flowering, 49% filling pods, and 7% mature as of earlier this week.

The 2021/22 first corn crop production has also been reduced by Deral. They estimate that the corn yields in the state will be down 40% or more due to the drought. At the start of the growing season, Deral estimated the first corn crop at 4.11 million tons with a yield of 166 sacks per hectare (158 bu/ac).

Deral is now rating the 2021/22 first corn crop in Parana as 25% poor, 40% average, and 35% good. The corn was 6% in vegetative development, 28% pollinating, 53% filling grain, and 13% mature as of earlier this week. The worst corn is in the western part of the state where the weather has been the driest.

A few hectares of safrinha corn have been planted in the state as farmers finish harvesting their soybean crop.


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