Current rapeseed yields in Ukraine are 6.9 c/ha lower than last year’s average

Source:  AgroTimes

Despite the abnormal heat and moisture deficit in most regions, Ukraine’s harvest is in full swing. In particular, 1.115 million tons of rapeseed have already been harvested with an average yield of 22.3 c/ha (last year – 29.2 c/ha).

This is reported by AgroTimes with reference to the data of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and the State Statistics Service.

Most of the rapeseed was harvested in Odesa (157.6 thsd tonnes), Dnipro (144.3 thsd tonnes), Mykolaiv (126.8 thsd tonnes), and Kirovohrad (116.1 thsd tonnes) regions.

The leading regions in terms of rapeseed yields:

  • Ivano-Frankivsk region – 38.4 c/ha;
  • Lviv region – 35.9 c/ha;
  • Sumy region – 34 c/ha;
  • Rivne region – 31.6 c/ha;Volyn re
  • gion – 31 c/ha.

As a reminder, according to the forecast, the rapeseed harvest will be 21% lower than last year.

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