Crop Conditions in Parana Continue to Deteriorate

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Continued hot and dry weather in southern Brazil has led to further deterioration of the soybean and corn crops in the state of Parana. In their latest assessment of the crop conditions in the state of Parana, the Department of Rural Economics (Deral) lowered the condition ratings of both crops.

The 2021/22 soybean crop is now rated 34% poor, 37% fair, and 29% good. The soybeans are 8% in vegetative development, 25% flowering, 54% filling pods, and 13% mature, and 2% harvested.

Deral is now estimating the 2021/22 soybean production in Parana at 13 million tons, which is down from their initial estimate of 21 million tons.

The first corn crop in Parana is rated 29% poor, 39% fair, and 32% good. The corn is 4% in vegetative development, 19% pollinating, 54% filling grain, and 23% mature. Farmers have planted 1% of the safrinha corn and t he safrinha corn represents the majority of the corn produced in the state.

Deral is now estimating the first corn crop production at 2.7 million tons compared to their initial estimate of 4.2 million tons.


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