Corn harvesting is coming to an end in the United States


U.S. farmers have 7% of the corn crop left to harvest, according to the report of the National Agricultural Statistics Service under the U.S. Department of Agriculture (NASS USDA).

The USDA forecasts that this season’s gross corn harvest will grow to 386.97 million tons, 11% more than last season and 7% more than the five-year average. Export potential for U.S. corn is 52.7 million tons, up a quarter from last season’s poor harvest.

Winter wheat sowing is also coming to an end. By November 19, 95% of the planned area had been sown, 1% less than the five-year average for the same date.

Wheat crop condition is better than last year. Forty-eight percent of crops are now in good to excellent condition, 16% more than a year ago.

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