China’s grain harvest in 2023 reached a record 695 million tons

Source:  IDK

China harvested 695.41 mln tonnes of grain in 2023, up 1.3% compared to last year. This was reported by the State Statistical Office of the country on Monday.

Thus, the grain harvest exceeded 650 mln tons for the ninth consecutive year, South China Morning Post reports. This level allows to ensure domestic consumption, analysts say.

Corn production in China this year increased by 4.2% to 288.84 million tons, soybean production – by 2.8% to 20.84 million tons. At the same time, the harvest of rice and wheat decreased by 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively.

The area under grains amounted to 119 mln hectares, which is 0.5% higher than in 2022. The yield per hectare increased by 0.8%.

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