China plans to increase oilseeds production

Source:  Oilworld

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has published the opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the study and application of the experience of the “Demonstration of a Thousand Villages, Improvement of Ten Thousand Villages” project.

The main points are

Effectively and efficiently promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. It is proposed to consolidate the results of soybean oilseed expansion. It is planned to promote the national soybean and oilseed production improvement project to ensure that the soybean area remains stable at over 150 million acres and the oilseed area grows steadily.

Take numerous measures to stabilize soybeans. We will implement policies such as subsidizing corn and soybean producers and rotating grains and beans. We will guide the Northeast region toward sustainable crop rotations to reduce heavy yields and support the promotion of technologies such as seed coating and soybean rhizobium inoculation. Effectively use subsidies for planting comprehensive strips to ensure that the promotion area in suitable areas such as the Huanghuaihai Sea, the southwest, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is stabilized at 20 million acres. A project to improve soybean yield was launched. Support the development of the entire industry chain of processing soybeans and other agricultural products in Northeast China.

At the same time it is necessary to increase oil processing. It is also planned to support the use of winter fallow to increase the area under rape and rational crop rotation for growing spring rape. Implement a three-year program to increase rapeseed seed yield per unit area over a large area, and integrate and apply key technologies to increase yield per unit area in major rapeseed producing countries.

In Huanghuaihai and northern regions, we will rotate crops and expand peanut planting, and develop the production of specialty oils such as sunflower oil and sesame oil according to local conditions, the publication said

Actively promote grain conservation and reduce grain losses, carry out popular science propaganda to “reduce the use of oil and increase soybeans,” lead the gradual reduction of excessive consumption of edible vegetable oils and increase the consumption of soybeans and soybean products.

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