China is buying up cheap grain around the world

Source:  EaDaily

Over the past two weeks, as market experts confirm, China has bought up many tons of feed grain on the international market. Thus, the country, which is the largest importer of grain in the world, took advantage of the drop in prices to the lowest level for the last three years. The details are reported by Bloomberg.

It is not only about wheat, but also about large purchases of corn, sorghum and barley. China is buying from many countries – from Ukraine to the United States. If we talk about Ukrainian products, it is mainly corn that is purchased here, while in the New World the Chinese are most interested in barley and sorghum.

Thus, official Beijing has significantly increased the stocks of different types of grain in state reserves in anticipation of the new harvest. It is expected that in this way China tries to maintain favorable prices not only in the food market, but also in the livestock market, where pig breeders buy grain for livestock feed.

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