China blocks rapeseed oil imports from Kazakhstan

Source:  APK News
рапсовое масло

Kazakhstani oil producers ask to remove the barrier to the export of GMO rapeseed oil to China. The problem is that China periodically blocks the import of rapeseed oil shipments under the pretext of detection of GMOs in it, reports the agency “APK News”.

This problem was announced at the Exporters Forum, which was held recently in Astana. As reported at the event, in 2023 exports of processed oil and fat products from Kazakhstan increased by almost 50%, amounting to about 900 thousand tons. The main importing countries were China, Central Asia, at this time, new markets in Europe are being developed.

Speaking separately about China, for the period January-May 2024 shipments exceeded $90 million, the growth amounted to almost 30%. Processors are ready to increase exports to China. However, for this to happen, the barrier to importing GMO oil into China must be removed.

“China’s General Administration of Customs periodically blocks the import of rapeseed oil shipments under the pretext of detecting GMO lines in it,” the processors noted.

They also emphasized that the situation exists despite the fact that China has long established imports of genetically modified products from Canada, America, Argentina and other countries.

This issue in Kazakhstan attributed to a negative factor in the trade of rapeseed oil. It also prevents the development of rape seed processing as a whole. As a result, agricultural producers are losing interest in growing this crop.

Market participants also said that in the future they intend to create a hub that will import and process rapeseed from the Russian Federation, and then send finished products to China.

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