Canada’s grain exports lag behind last year by 9%

Source:  Zerno On-Line

For forty-two weeks of the current season Canada exported 35.8 million tons of grains, legumes and oilseeds, which is 9% less than for the same period last season. This is reported by Zerno On-Line agency with reference to the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC).

The volume of soft wheat exports reached 17.6 million tons (+9%), durum wheat – 3.0 million tons (-33%), barley – 1.8 million tons (-33%), peas – 1.8 million tons (+11%), canola – 5.2 million tons (-25%).

The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts the export potential of soft and durum Canadian wheat this season is 24 million tons (-6% over last season’s level). Next season, which begins August 1, exports could rise to 24.5 million tons due to an expected increase in the crop from 31.954 million tons to 34.0 million tons.

Barley exports from Canada could total 2.3 million tons for the entire current season, well below last season’s 3.1 million tons, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture projections. Next season, barley exports will rise to 2.4 million tons, but remain below the five-year average.

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