Bumper wheat crop: Punjab breaks its own 75 years record of wheat production

Source:  SAMAA

Punjab broke its own wheat production record of 75-year in 2023 as latest data showed heat production showed 21 million tons.

It is pertinent to note that average production per acre has also increased significantly in Punjab.

Punjab Agriculture Director General Dr. Anjum Ali talking to SAMAA TV said production per acre also increased from 31 and a half ton to 33 ton.

Dr said fertilizer and seed subsidy played an important role in raising the support price of wheat.

He also shared that 30,000 students of agricultural universities launched a campaign to complete cultivation in November.

Prime minister Shehbaz Sharif earlier attributed country’s ‘record bumper’ wheat crop of 27.5 million metric tons to the government’s timely decisions and provision of quality seed, fertiliser, and agriculture, or ‘Kissan package’.

Prime minister congratulated the minister for food security and other relevant authorities and appreciated their steps.

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