Bulgarian sunseed crop set to hit a new record

Author:  Svetlana Kupreeva
подсолнух масло sunflower oil sunseed

Article author:

Svetlana Kupreeva
Oilseed Market Analyst

Because of current weather and sunflower crop conditions, a sunseed yield in Bulgaria looks rather optimistic. Sunseed crop expectations are above 2 MMT, nearing the 2017/18 record of 2057 KMT, UkrAgroConsult reports.

Domestic crush is to be higher than last year. At the same time, the sunseed crop increase will allow to partially reduce dependence on feedstock imports, though they will remain high.

The weather factor will not influence yield formation substantially yet. Consequently, there is a probability of changing the record scenario into a more moderate one.

Learn more about development prospects of the oilseed sector in Ukraine and Black Sea region at the 9th International Conference ‘BLACK SEA OIL TRADE’, to be held on September 9 by UkrAgroConsult. Join the leading experts and market operators to discuss the most relevant issues. Let’s open a new oilseed season together!



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