Bulgaria bans imports of sunseed from Ukraine until the end of November

Source:  LB.ua

Bulgaria bans imports of sunseed from Ukraine until the end of November. This was reported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farming of Bulgaria. After this date, the license regime for exports of sunflower, wheat, corn and rapeseed will be introduced in accordance with the agreed plan between Ukraine and the European Commission.

Today, the ministers of both countries discussed the export of Ukrainian agricultural products to Bulgaria.

Kyrylo Vatiev and Nikolay Solsky agreed to start a regular exchange of data between the two ministries on agricultural trade. Experts from the two agencies will exchange weekly information on exports and imports of certain types of products.

Vatiev familiarized Solsky with the memorandum between the Bulgarian government and the initiative committee of farmers, which provides for a ban on the import of sunseed from Ukraine until the end of November. After this period, a licensing regime for the export of sunflower, wheat, corn and rapeseed will be in place in accordance with the agreed plan between Ukraine and the European Commission.

The Bulgarian minister also reported on the concerns of Bulgarian agricultural producers and processors in connection with the import of refined and unrefined sunflower oil, milk powder, honey, sugar and frozen raspberries from Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian ministry, Bulgaria considers Ukraine’s action plan submitted to the European Commission regarding the supply of agricultural products acceptable.

The ministers agreed to agree on the technical details of the procedure for exporting agricultural products to Bulgaria and discuss their results at the next meeting in the first half of October.

As a reminder, Bulgaria initially supported the resumption of Ukrainian agricultural exports after September 15. The relevant decision was made by the Parliament.

Subsequently, farmers started protests in the country. Farmers opposed the parliament’s decision.

So far, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia have refused to unilaterally resume imports.

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