Brazil’s Safrinha Corn 31.5% Planted vs. 20.4% Last Year


Brazil’s first corn crop, which accounts for less than one-quarter of Brazil’s corn production, is planted and harvested over a very long period. The corn planting started in August and is nearing completion in northeastern Brazil. As of last week, the corn was 97.3% planted according to Conab. The first corn crop is rated 1.8% emerging, 28.7% in vegetative development, 8% pollinating, 20.7% filling grain, 22.1% maturing, and 18.6% harvested.

The safrinha corn, which is generally planted in January and February after soybeans are harvested, accounts for more than three-quarters of Brazil’s corn production. The safrinha corn was 31.5% planted as of last week compared to 20.4% last year. The planting is most advanced in Mato Grosso (48%), Parana (32%), Tocantins (20%), Goias (15%), Mato Grosso do Sul (10%), Maranhao (5%), and Minas Gerais (2.7%). The safrinha corn is rated 42.8% emerging and 57.2% in vegetative development.

In their February crop report, Conab estimated the 2023/24 Brazil corn production at 113.6 million tons, which is down 18.2 million (13.8%) from the 131.8 million produced in 2022/23. The safrinha corn crop represents 77.4% of Brazil’s total corn production with the first corn crop at 20.7% and the third corn crop at 1.7%

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