Brazil’s poultry export earnings up 25.3%

птицеводство куры курица chinken

Brazil earned 25.3% more with poultry exports between January and November this year compared to the same period in 2020. Volume was up by 9%. Revenues increased as value-added products were exported and because the Brazilian currency (the real) depreciation in relation to dollar or euros.

The Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) states that the country´s exporters raked in US$ 6.944 billion during first 11 months of 2021, against US$ 5.543 billion in the previous year.

Looking at volume, chicken meat shipments totalled 4.198 million tonnes between January and November in 2021, an increase of 9.08% compared to 2020 (3.849 million tonnes).

“Brazil is about to set a historical record in chicken meat exports, quite possibly expanding the distance in volume to the main competitors. This reinforces Brazil’s role as an important player for food security,” states ABPA president, Ricardo Santin.

Among the main destinations this year, Japan accounted for 403,500 tonnes, 8.8% more than was shipped in the same period in 2020, as well as the United Arab Emirates (344,000 tonnes, or 26.4%), South Africa (268,800 tonnes, or 13.3%), the European Union (178,700 tonnes, or 14%) and the Philippines (154,8000 tonnes, or 158.7%).

“Sales of higher value-added products were more representative in the external agenda of chicken meat for Brazil, having a direct influence on export revenue in November and in the other months of the year,” assesses the director of markets at ABPA, Luís Rua.


Poultry World

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