Brazil soybeans 90% planted, rain is improving, but more is needed

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The 2020/21 Brazilian soybeans were 90% planted late last week compared to 93% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 3% from the prior week. The two main areas left to plant are the southern states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina and in northeastern Brazil. The southern states received good rains last week which will encourage farmers to finish planting their soybeans.

The soybeans in Brazil are now entering their reproductive phase so adequate rainfall now becomes very important. Under a best case weather scenario, my Brazilian soybean estimate may remain unchanged. Under a worst case weather scenario, there may be 15-20 million tons of Brazilian soybeans at risk.

The rainfall late last week and over the weekend in southern Brazil was good and it will allow farmers in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina to finish planting their soybeans.

The rainfall in central Brazil last week and over the weekend was spotty with some areas receiving over two inches and other areas staying completely dry. The rains have been hit-and-miss thus far this growing season. The forecast is calling for better chances of rainfall in central Brazil this week.

Mato Grosso Soybeans – The soybean planting in Mato Grosso is complete, the first half of the crop was planted much slower than average, but the second half of the crop was planted at about the average pace. The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) estimates that 2.5% of the soybeans in the state will have to be replanted due to poor plant populations.

In the municipality of Nova Mutum, which is located in south-central Mato Grosso, the president of the local Rural Syndicate of Nova Mutum indicated that this is the worst start to the growing season in 20 years. Some parts of the municipality have been dry for over 20 days, the crop is developing very slowly, the plant populations are 15% below ideal, 3% of the soybeans had to be replanted, and more may need to be replanted. Farmers with contracts to deliver soybeans in January are in the process of renegotiating those contract with the grain companies.

Parana Soybeans – The soybeans in Parana were 99% planted as of late last week according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). The soybeans were 4% germinating, 82% vegetative development, 12% flowering, and 2% filling pods. The soybeans were rated 4% poor, 24% average, and 72% good.

Rio Grande do Sul soybeans – Rainfall last week across the state has animated soybean producers to plant their remaining soybeans. Soybean planting advanced 14% last week and Emater now estimates that 61% of the soybeans had been planted by the end of last week compared to 76% average. Farmers had been planting in less than ideal conditions, but now the soil moisture is adequate to insure germination and stand establishment.


Soybeans and Corn


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