Brazil pig production expected to continue growth in 2024 – ABPA

Source:  The Pig Site

Brazil closed 2023 with a positive balance in swine production and exports. The year 2024 should maintain the growth line, according to projections by the Brazilian Animal Protein Association (ABPA), presented at a hybrid press conference in São Paulo.

Brazilian pork production is expected to show growth of up to 2.3% compared to last year, with production of up to 5.1 million tons. Exports are expected to reach up to 1.22 million tons, an increase of up to 8.9% compared to 2022.

For 2024, an increase of up to 1% is projected compared to 2023, with an estimated production of up to 5.15 million tons. In exports, the increase should also be confirmed, with an increase of up to 6.6% compared to this year, with shipments of up to 1.3 million tons.

The availability of products on the domestic market is expected to remain stable in 2023 and 2024, at around 3.8 million tons. Stability in per capita consumption is also projected over the two years, with around 18 kilos per inhabitant.

“There are good prospects for an increase in exports from the opening of new markets and expansion into already consolidated destinations, also due to the slowdown in shipments from important competitors, such as the European Union and Canada,” said ABPA marketing director Luis Rua. “On the other hand, in the domestic market, a new level of consumption is being consolidated, around 18 kilos per inhabitant per year, well above what was seen until a few years ago.”

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