Brazil Expected to Produce Record Wheat Crop in 2022

Brazilian farmers are optimistic about their 2022 winter wheat production. According to the consulting firm Safras & Mercado, the 2022 Brazilian wheat acreage is expected to be 3.18 million hectares (7.85 million acres), which would represent an increase of 16.6% compared to 2021. If verified, it would be the largest wheat acreage since 1990. Brazilian wheat production in 2022 could be record large surpassing 10 million tons.

In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the wheat was 90% planted as of late last week compared to 97% last year and 95% average. The planting is slow in some areas due to excessive moisture, but all the wheat is expected to be planted by the end of July. The wheat in the state is generally in vegetative development.

Wheat acreage in Rio Grande do Sul could increase 32% to 1.52 million hectares (3.75 million acres) according to Safras & Mercado. If verified, it would be the largest wheat acreage in the state since 1979.

Farmers in Parana have planted all their wheat and the crop is rated 5% average and 95% good. The wheat is 2% germinating, 71% in vegetative development, 23% flowering, and 4% filling grain. Safras & Mercado is estimating the wheat acreage in Parana at 1.15 million hectares (2.84 million acres), which is down 5% compared to last year. At the start of the growing season, the wheat acreage in Parana was projected to be 1.65 million hectares (4.07 million acres), but the early harvest of a disappointing soybean crop allowed farmers to plant their safrinha corn earlier than normal.

Wheat production is expanding outside of the traditional southern states into the cerrado areas of central Brazil. Six other Brazilian states beside Rio Grande do Sul and Parana are expected to plant 510,000 hectares (1.25 million acres), which would be up 38.6% compared to last year.

The wheat crop in Brazil is generally in good condition, but there is still the possibility of frost during flowering and grain filling. Additionally, heavy rains during harvest can negatively impact the quality of the grain.

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