Brazil clears sale of GMO wheat flour from Argentina


Brazil on Thursday cleared imports of flour from Argentina made with wheat modified genetically to resist drought and a common herbicide, making it the first market in the world to grant such approval.

Brazilian biosecurity agency CTNBio said the unanimous decision applied only to wheat flour. The ruling followed a request by Tropical Melhoramento Genético, a partner of Argentina-based Bioceres SA, which developed the wheat variety resistant to ammonium glufosinate.

Brazilian flour millers have threatened to stop buying wheat from Argentina if CTNBio approved GMO wheat imports from the neighboring country.

“The decision was by a technical agency, but it is important to see what the Brazilian market wants. It looks like consumers in Brazil do not want GMO wheat,” said Gustavo Idigoras, head of Argentina’s CIARA-CEC chamber of grains exporters.

Some 55,000 hectares in Argentina have been planted with the GMO wheat on a experimental basis, according to company disclosures.


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