Belarus’ grain harvest to exceed 9m tonnes in 2021

This year Belarus’ harvest will exceed 9 million tonnes of grain, Belarusian Agriculture and Food Minister Ivan Krupko told the media on the sidelines of the international wholesale exhibition Prodexpo 2021 on 9 November, BelTA has learned.

“We will get over 9 million tonnes of cereals, maize and colza. We have already secured a government order for 1 million tonnes. The country will have enough food grain for its needs. There will also be enough grass fodder and fodder grain for domestic livestock breeding to secure the implementation of the tasks set for 2022 to increase production of milk, beef, pork and poultry,” said Ivan Krupko.

The minister also touched upon Belarus’ food exports. According to him, the task is to reach $7 billion by 2025. “This year the Russian market accounts for more than 70% of Belarus’ food sales. It remains a premium market as a strategic partner, but its share in our supplies is gradually decreasing. We continue diversifying our food exports. Supplies are gradually increasing to the CIS countries, the EU, Africa, and China. We are registering an increase of our supplies to all markets,” he said.



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