Beet sugar export from Ukraine tops 20 thou. t in Sept-Nov 2021/22

Beet sugar production in Ukraine totalled over 500 thou. t in November. In the period September-November 2021/22, export of beet sugar from Ukraine amounted to 21 thou. t, experts of the Scientific and Practical Center for Sugar Beet Production told

Increased output of beet sugar had a positive impact on the volume of goods produced by the processing enterprises in Ukraine and stabilized internal prices in retail networks. The volume of domestic market sales was fully sufficient to meet the demand.

Beet sugar balance in Ukraine as of December 1, 2021, thou. t








Production 1174 1450 1240
Opening balances 255 141 141
Import (incl. white sugar/raw sugar) 163


40 0
Total product supply 1592 1631 1381
Domestic consumption¹ 1380 1380 345
Export 71 50 21
Total product demand
(domestic consumption + export)
1451 1430 366
Opening balances
141 201 1015
¹ Excluding data from the temporarily occupied territories of the AR of Crimea and the Joint Forces Operation

Reportedly, Ukrainian producers exported over 21 thou. t of beet sugar to foreign markets in the first half of the season.

The largest importers of beet sugar in the reporting period (thou. t):

Israel: 5.7
Armenia: 4.1
Spain: 2.3
Azerbaijan: 2.2
Romania: 1.7

Considering the export pace since the start of the season, the Scientific and Practical Center reviewed its forecast for beet sugar export from Ukraine in 2021/22 from 20 thou. t to 50.

The sugar beet area in Ukraine in the 2021 crop year is 227.14 thou. ha, in 2020 it was 209.01 thou. ha. In the current production season, beet sugar output is projected by the Economy Ministry to reach 1.4 mln t, 30% above the previous season’s outturn.

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