Bayer Warns Retailers of Glyphosate Production Disruption

Agrichemical giant Bayer is alerting retail partners the company may not be able to fill some glyphosate contracts this spring, due to a supplier’s manufacturing problem.

According to letters sent from the company that DTN has obtained, Bayer is declaring this a “force majeure” event, a term used to describe an uncontrollable event that prevents a party from fulfilling a contract. The situation could leave some farmers who are awaiting glyphosate deliveries on shaky ground.

The letters, sent out late last week, are signed by Udo Schneider, global head of active ingredient manufacturing for Bayer. They state an undisclosed supplier of a key raw material for glyphosate production experienced a “mechanical failure” at its manufacturing plant. “As of now, given the supplier notification, we expect repairs of this production line to take around three months,” Schneider wrote.


Progressive Farmer


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