Baltic countries offer 5 of their ports for Ukrainian grain exports


The Baltic countries are offering the capacities of their five major ports for the export of Ukrainian grain. This was announced on Twitter by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis.

The countries have officially asked the European Commission to use the Baltic Sea route to resolve the problems that have arisen after Russia’s withdrawal from the grain deal.

On July 25, in Brussels, European Commission representative Miriam Garcia Ferrer confirmed that the EC had received a request from the Baltic states.

“Today, proposals to involve Baltic ports in the transportation of the Ukrainian grain harvest for its further export to world markets were considered at the level of the EU Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries, including the possibility of allocating subsidies for the development of rail links between EU countries on the borders with Ukraine and Baltic ports,” the publication writes.

It is also planned to transfer a significant number of customs and border procedures from checkpoints on the borders of these countries with Ukraine directly to the Baltic ports, where there is a developed infrastructure to speed up the processing of food exports from Ukraine.

To recap, Croatia offered Ukraine its railroad network and ports in the Adriatic Sea for grain exports after Russia blocked the grain deal.

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