Australia’s chickpea, lentil exports surge in February

Source:  Grain Central

Australia exported 53,818 tonnes of chickpeas and 128,620t of lentils in February, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Chickpea volume was up 44 percent from the 37,449t shipped in January, with Pakistan on 22,690t the major market.

This was closely followed by the United Arab Emirates on 21,436t, with Bangladesh on 3671t the third-biggest chickpea market.

February 2024 chickpea exports were well down from the 78,213t shipped in February 2023.

Lentil exports posted a 61pc jump from 80,134t shipped in January, with India once again the major market on 68,431t.

Pakistan on 28,383t and Sri Lanka on 14,949t respectively were the second and third-biggest markets for February-shipped lentils.

The February 2024 lentil figure is well below the monthly record set in February 2023 when 196,224t was shipped.

CHICKPEAS Dec Jan Feb Tonnes
Bangladesh 95484 22578 3671 121733
Belgium 0 44 176 220
Canada 736 582 666 1983
Egpyt 0 375 177 552
Fiji 25 47 24 96
Germany 0 50 46 96
India 3117 1799 1220 6137
Indonesia 25 0 0 25
Israel 0 0 24 24
Italy 197 437 24 657
Japan 43 0 88 131
Lebanon 48 0 265 313
Malaysia 388 449 283 1120
Mauritius 150 124 241 515
Nepal 3535 1030 638 5202
Netherlands 125 25 0 150
New Zealand 20 137 20 177
Pakistan 2897 4215 22690 29802
Saudi Arabia 48 0 0 48
Singapore 187 153 192 532
South Africa 95 0 0 95
South Korea 49 64 72 185
Spain 0 20 0 20
Sri Lanka 220 0 526 745
Thailand 0 75 29 104
Turkiye 678 0 0 678
UAE 2712 3578 21436 27725
UK 1095 1559 1224 3879
US 764 85 86 935
Vietnam 0 24 0 24
Yemen 100 0 0 100
TOTAL 112738 37449 53818 204004

Table 1: Australian chickpea exports for December 2023 and January and February 2024. Source: ABS

LENTILS Dec Jan Feb Tonnes
Bahrain 110 247 2115 2472
Bangladesh 22154 3011 11207 36372
Canada 2 0 0 2
Egypt 2384 17182 0 19566
Fiji 1 1 0 2
India 147882 40950 68431 257263
Indonesia 1 0 0 1
Malaysia 49 22 0 71
Mauritius 24 0 49 73
Nepal 1071 2006 2553 5630
New Zealand 12 51 27 89
Pakistan 6450 6701 28383 41534
Papua New Guinea 0 0 1 1
South Africa 116 0 0 116
South Korea 24 72 24 120
Sri Lanka 8478 8337 14949 31764
Taiwan 0 3 24 27
Turkiye 27100 0 0 27100
UAE 14764 1503 782 17049
UK 25 49 0 74
US 7 0 0 7
Yemen 0 0 75 75
TOTAL 230652 80134 128620 439406

Table 2: Australian lentil exports for December 2023 and January and February 2024. Source: ABS

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