Australian canola crop to decline in MY 2024/25

Source:  OleoScope

The volume of canola production in Australia in the season-2024/25 may decrease for the year by 5%, to 5.4 million tons, follows from the forecast of analysts of the national office ABARES. At the same time, experts note that the expected result will be higher than the average for the last 10 years by 21%.

According to experts’ estimates, the area under oilseed in the new agricultural year will drop by 9%, to 3.2 million hectares.

“The decline in plantings reflects a less favorable start to the season in some key agricultural regions. Lower yields have also led to some substitution of canola in favor of other crops, including wheat, barley and pulses,” ABARES said.

The Bureau also estimated the 2024/25 MY wheat crop at 29.1 million tons, 12% above last season’s result and 10% above the average of the past 10 years.

“Recent rains have boosted cereal sowings in Western and South Australia and, from July onwards, higher than normal rainfall is also forecast. As Australia’s winter crop sowing season draws to a close, rainfall has created ‘near-ideal’ conditions early in the season,” the materials elaborated.

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