Australian barley farmers tap Mexican beer makers

ячмень barley

Australian farmers are continuing their fightback against Chinese trade sanctions, sending their first bulk shipment of malt barley to Mexico, where it could be turned into cartons of Corona.

Barley from a near-record harvest is also flying out of Australian ports into the Middle East and south-east Asia as major farming competitors move to curtail exports and China’s trade-crippling tariffs reshape international markets.

Mexico, the world’s fourth-biggest beer maker, is set to receive its first shipment of Australian malt barley later this month.

Exports of feed barley to Saudi Arabia – a market neglected by Australia at the height of the multibillion-dollar-a-year trade with China – have jumped from almost nothing last year to an expected 2 million tonnes in 2020-21.

The barley price in export epicentre Western Australia is at its highest level since last May, when China imposed 80 per cent tariffs on imports in the first of a series of trade attacks on local farmers, fishermen, winemakers and loggers.

The breakthrough barley shipment to Mexico was brokered by CBH, Australia’s biggest co-operative. CBH is controlled by thousands of farmers in WA who were the hardest hit by being shut out of China.

Mexico produces about 139 million hectolitres of beer a year. To put that in perspective, China produces about 370 million hectolitres and Australia 16.1 million hectolitres.

We knew there was demand because our barley is the best. It is just that not everyone in the world wants to pay for it as handsomely as the Chinese did.

— Mic Fels, barley farmer

Mic Fels, who farms near Esperance in WA and is head of the WA Farmers Federation’s grains committee, said it was fantastic for the industry to gain access to new markets and that he might be inspired to drink more Corona if exports flourished.

“I do like my Corona with a twist of lemon and might start liking them even more,” he said.

Demand was always there

Mr Fels said farmers had never doubted there was demand for their barley outside of China.

“We were never destitute as an industry. We knew there was demand because our barley is the best. It is just that not everyone in the world wants to pay for it as handsomely as the Chinese did,” he said.

While prices have come off since the break in the east coast drought, Mr Fels said the global grains market was strong.

Australia is rapidly moving to export what is estimated to have been a 34 million to 35 million-tonne wheat harvest and 13 million-tonne barley harvest. Those volumes represent the biggest wheat crop Australia has grown and the second-biggest barley crop.

Russia’s help

Russia, which has come to dominate the global grain trade and pushed into Australia’s traditional markets, will introduce an export tax on wheat, barley and corn on February 15 as it tries to fight domestic inflation.

The Russian export tax on wheat is up to about €50 ($78.40) a tonne, making it uncompetitive on export markets and helping Australia break back into south-east Asia, the Middle East and parts of Africa.

There are also concerns about crops in South America where conditions are very dry and major producer Argentina is rumoured to be looking at its own export tax to fight inflation.

CBH’s first bulk shipment of malt barley left the port of Albany on WA’s south coast on Sunday.

The co-operative’s marketing and trading boss, Jason Craig, said Mexican maltsters and brewers used to barley from North America, and in particular Canada, would have to develop a liking for the Australian product.

China is now sourcing most of its malt barley imports from Canada and France after shutting out Australia with tariffs and imposing an outright ban on CBH over disputed claims it found weed seeds at unacceptably high levels in shipments from WA.

“Developing new markets is really important and this [Mexico] is one example of some really good work. Hopefully this shipment leads to more tonnes and more demand,” Mr Craig said.

Mr Craig said Russia’s export tax was pricing it out of an increasing bullish international grain market.

“Saudi is reopening as an export destination for Australian feed barley, which has become very price competitive compared to barley from alternative origins, such as Russia and the Ukraine that have dominated exports to the country for the past few years,” he said.

Saudi Arabia is the second-largest barley importer in the world at about 7 million tonnes a year and was Australia’s biggest customer before a steep rise in sales to China.

The relative value of feed barley compared to alternative feed grains for livestock is expected to see Australian barley exports to Thailand and Vietnam double in 2020-21, to about 700,000 tonnes in the case of Thailand and 190,000 tonnes in the case of Vietnam.

The recent trade deal with Indonesia has opened the door to an increase in barley exports and the Morrison government is working on overcoming market access issues in India.


Financial Review

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