Australia ships record wheat, durum tonnage in year to September

Source:  Grain Central

Australia exported 31.67 million tonnes (Mt) of wheat and durum in the year to 30 September 2023, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The figure comprises 2,349,752t of containerised wheat and durum and a record 29,318,623t of bulk, and breaks the overall record set in 2021-22 of 27.6Mt.

China was the biggest market for the year in both segments, and was the destination for 558,342t of boxed and 7.03Mt of bulk.

Vietnam on 478,885t and Taiwan on 301,425t were the second and third-largest containerised markets.

In bulk, Indonesia on 4.88Mt and The Philippines on 2.96Mt were the second and third-largest bulk markets.

September export figures were released last week to round out the figures for 2022-23, and The Philippines on 260,430t was the major bulk market for the month, followed by China on 208,269t and Indonesia on 132,847t.

In containerised exports for September, Thailand on 29,283t, China on 23,940t and Taiwan on 19,498t were the largest markets.

BOXED Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
China 39184 210944 236047 23785 24443 23940 558342
Fiji 163 0 12668 131 0 0 12962
French Polynesia 1241 250 508 0 242 227 2468
Hong Kong 257 841 545 0 514 259 2416
India 0 0 1452 1479 3258 9346 15535
Indonesia 44825 35765 46715 10687 8163 7945 154100
Japan 21 3908 2144 41 0 513 6627
Kenya 0 0 0 288 0 500 788
Malaysia 74005 74070 58554 15214 11613 13630 247086
Myanmar 6855 7980 5507 998 484 674 22498
New Caledonia 7368 8959 4532 2325 1452 2387 27023
New Zealand 8028 8285 5977 743 3579 3386 29998
Oman 0 0 0 0 51 52 103
Pakistan 0 0 0 0 0 998 998
Papua New Guinea 2373 1577 1595 401 653 1813 8412
Philippines 12633 22914 58826 13037 8362 3598 119369
Saudi Arabia 0 829 378 749 0 257 2213
Singapore 0 0 26400 1000 997 3000 31397
Solomon Islands 2504 4627 4178 2736 1457 474 15976
South Korea 3734 1232 1104 500 873 1552 8995
Sri Lanka 78 125 0 245 50 0 498
Taiwan 85926 80360 77384 20139 18117 19498 301425
Tanzania  0 0 446 0 200 400 1046
Thailand 69238 82442 61397 16630 22863 29283 281853
UAE  0 0 288 341 101 1354 2084
UK 1593 5974 4114 1490 1024 1147 15341
Vietnam 178586 217175 55876 8890 5658 12700 478885
China 0 0 0 0 0 1303 1303
Indonesia 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Malaysia 0 0 0 0 7 0 7
TOTAL 538614 768257 666635 121848 114162 140236 2349752

Table 1: Australian containerised wheat and durum exports for the year to 30 September 2023. Source: ABS

BULK Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
Algeria 0 30348 0 0 0 0 30348
Bahrain 27501 50176 0 27500 0 17700 122877
Bangladesh 0 63147 82140 0 0 0 145287
China 1621151 2568801 1717444 602633 313323 208269 7031621
Egypt 56859 51615 63540 2450 0 0 174464
Fiji 36535 40503 33000 37434 0 0 147472
India 0 34000 14140 0 1996 2668 52805
Indonesia 1149240 1043117 1165207 625998 759332 132847 4875742
Iraq 0 418701 472760 105000 0 0 996461
Japan 352693 295256 338344 28374 113785 81844 1210296
Jordan 63000 0 0 0 0 0 63000
Kenya 0 27500 0 0 43700 0 71200
Kuwait 132191 87600 42635 74997 0 85404 422827
Malawi 1000 0 0 0 27800 0 28800
Malaysia 125929 324778 159624 27070 91540 1991 730933
Mauritius 24200 25099 0 0 8007 0 57306
Mozambique 9001 56100 0 0 0 0 65101
Myanmar 46881 52375 78190 36455 0 28426 242327
New Zealand 144150 205580 152988 58687 52800 74046 688251
Nigeria 54999 0 0 0 0 0 54999
Oman 12900 85000 11000 0 0 27500 136400
Papua New Guinea 68171 43095 48747 45179 0 30250 235442
Philippines 737299 805890 580785 446327 126192 260430 2956923
Qatar 0 41637 0 0 0 0 41637
Rwanda 11700 0 0 0 0 0 11700
Singapore 0 22000 16500 0 0 14300 52800
South Africa 0 98999 162911 0 0 0 261910
South Korea 653357 833169 771425 189559 141071 102181 2690762
Taiwan 211 257 302 0 9 0 779
Tanzania 23305 0 0 0 0 0 23305
Thailand 60987 694710 845422 40317 36873 32999 1711307
Turkiye 0 66000 0 0 0 0 66000
UAE 49373 91069 59426 64518 0 42151 306537
Vietnam 260129 696970 906813 132171 221985 0 2218068
Yemen 174446 395052 403282 0 128874 108463 1210117
Bangladesh 10238 0 0 0 0 0 10238
Italy 0 21838 0 0 0 0 21838
Spain 0 31500 0 0 0 0 31500
Tunisia 0 0 27500 0 0 0 27500
Turkiye 0 0 32743 0 0 0 32743
Vietnam 0 0 59000 0 0 0 59000
TOTAL 5907446 9301882 8245868 2544669 2067288 1251471 29318623

Table 2: Australian bulk wheat and durum exports for the year to 30 September 2023. Source: ABS

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