Australia ships 6.9Mt barley, 2.8Mt sorghum in year to September

Source:  Grain Central
пивоваренный ячмень

Australia exported 5.77 million tonnes (Mt) of feed barley, 1.15Mt of malting barley and 2.81Mt of sorghum in the year to 30 September 2023, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Combined malting and feed barley exports for September at 485,859t were up 40 percent from 346,213t shipped in August, a hefty upswing unusual for the last month of the marketing year prompted by China’s return to the market.

September figures showed a strong month for barley exports.

“We’ve seen the Chinese shipping program pick up as per our expectations,” Flexi Grain pool manager Sam Roache said.

“We note a significant jump in malting barley exports to China, but this is misleading, with most of the shipments being feed barley.

“We expect barley shipments to ramp up further in October and November, and by December we should be up around the 1Mt-per-month mark.

“Overall, we expect around 3Mt plus has been sold to China since August, with this being over half of our expected exports for the entire shipping year to October 2024.”

“That is a very aggressively sold program and we continue to see that aggressive buying from China in the market today, which is great for Australian barley growers.”

For the year to September 30, Mexico followed by China and Peru were the major malting barley markets, while Saudi Arabia, Japan and Thailand were the biggest feed barley markets.

Sorghum exports also posted an unexpectedly strong result, with 326,412t shipped in September, up 22pc from the August figure of 268,055t.

“China remains the only game in town, with 95pc of exports heading there and little chance of substantive change on that front any time soon.”

In its Australia: Grain and Feed Update released November 2, USDA has forecast Australia’s barley crop now being harvested at 10Mt, with 2023-24 exports of 5.5 Mt, and sorghum production at 1.3 Mt from the crop now being planted.

The forecast sorghum crop is seen one of the lowest in the past 20 years, and exports are forecast at 1.1Mt.

FEED Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
Hong Kong 21 24 12 12 0 0 69
Iran 64305 0 0 0 0 0 64305
Italy 0 0 6 0 0 0 6
Japan 308922 217359 351937 0 166427 62558 1107203
Jordan 62788 187280 62073 0 0 0 312141
Kuwait 84095 146801 50235 0 0 0 281131
Macau 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
Malaysia 189 356 165 171 175 1 1057
New Caledonia 1317 1211 213 154 301 189 3384
New Zealand 9113 0 0 0 0 4950 14063
Oman 19269 20892 20704 0 0 0 60865
Papua New Guinea 100 0 75 25 25 0 225
Philippines 26123 195330 4415 2764 2922 55542 287096
Qatar 170750 52500 74500 52263 0 0 350013
Saudi Arabia 798322 677889 352874 0 0 0 1829085
Singapore 4 5 7 0 0 0 16
South Korea 47605 2710 3204 1408 491 22749 78167
Taiwan 9859 3301 2953 2174 3276 4053 25617
Thailand 2041 200766 191464 210782 1377 32551 638980
UAE 52230 64188 82226 14850 0 0 213494
Vietnam 36158 159181 224708 3623 78732 1457 503859
TOTAL 1693211 1929793 1421775 288226 253727 184049 5770781

Table 1: Australian feed barley exports for the year to 30 September 2023. Source: ABS

MALTING Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
China 0 0 0 54188 212877 267065
Ecuador 6000 6000 5000 7330 0 7700 32030
Japan 28750 21000 20612 19570 0 0 89932
Mexico 63002 94733 132000 30502 33000 33000 386237
New Zealand 0 2789 0 0 0 0 2789
Pakistan 0 0 595 398 0 0 993
Peru 16985 16943 17941 14185 0 25000 91054
Philippines 4655 1720 2618 271 932 1698 11894
Singapore 13708 9230 9237 3233 2163 2351 39921
South Africa 45000 15000 0 0 0 16500 76500
South Korea 0 24287 10078 0 0 0 34365
Taiwan 0 0 0 498 0 0 498
Thailand 2976 3252 34823 487 531 527 42597
Vietnam 30179 40688 1851 254 1673 2157 76801
TOTAL 211255 235642 234755 76728 92486 301810 1152675

Table 2: Australian malting barley exports for the year to 30 September 2023. Source: ABS

SORGHUM Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jly Aug Sep Tonnes
China 395487 272246 1001998 215520 230959 309658 2425868
Japan 42 45989 50697 61085 31585 10937 200335
Kenya 0 0 91050 0 0 0 91050
New Caledonia 198 0 0 0 0 198
New Zealand 0 2 12 0 0 0 14
Philippines 3689 5257 3237 981 1521 1666 16350
South Korea 65 50 48 0 0 0 163
Sudan 0 0 34864 0 0 0 34864
Taiwan 10639 7130 6865 3149 3990 4151 35924
Vietnam 675 100 149 100 0 0 1024
TOTAL 410795 330774 1188919 280835 268055 326412 2805790

Table 3: Australian sorghum exports for the year to 30 September 2023. Source: ABS

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