Australia ships 447,776t canola in May

Source:  Grain Central

Australia exported 447,776 tonnes of canola in May, up 56 percent from the 287,086t shipped in April, according to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The largest markets for May-shipped canola were Pakistan on 166,529t, the United Arab Emirates on 148,856t and Japan on 120,694t.

May shipments to Europe comprise only 64t to Belgium, in contrast to May 2022, when 416,352t was exported to European nations to form 77pc of the monthly total shipped of 542,396t.

According to Lachstock Consulting’s analysis of shipping stems, monthly shipping rates this year are expected to drop to around 400,000t in June and July.

Lachstock’s current estimate has the Australian canola crop now in the ground pegged at 5.72 million tonnes (Mt), 29pc smaller than the record 2022-23 crop.

Lachstock’s new-crop estimates is well above ABARES initial figure released last month of 4.91Mt.

CANOLA Mar Apr May Tonnes
Argentina 0 0 2 2
Bangladesh 266 429 1501 2196
Belgium 63732 0 64 63796
Canada 41 42 45 128
Chile 0 0 1 1
France 96672 31711 0 128383
Germany 148004 100623 0 248627
Hungary 0 19 0 19
Japan 30962 70311 120694 221967
Malaysia 6866 5096 3765 15727
Mexico 48300 0 0 48300
Nepal 4134 1231 5485 10849
Netherlands 6449 0 0 6449
New Zealand 841 597 834 2272
Pakistan 294 21999 166529 188823
Portugal 21000 0 0 21000
South Africa 54 28 0 82
UAE 169938 55000 148856 373794
TOTAL 597555 287086 447776 1332416

Table 1: Australian canola exports for March, April and May 2023. Source: ABS

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