Australia increases canola exports from the beginning of July

Source:  OleoScope

From July to September of this year, the volume of global exports of canola increased to 4.6 million tons, which is 1 million tons higher than the level of the same period last year. Such data were published by analysts of OilWorld (Germany). They note that the growth of trade is recorded against the background of record shipments of oilseeds from Australia and the resumption of exports from Canada.

In particular, in September of this year, the sales of oilseeds from Australia more than doubled to 368 thsd tonnes. The main volumes were shipped to the UAE and Japan – 127 thsd tonnes (61 thsd tonnes) and 124 thsd tonnes (36 thsd tonnes), respectively.

The total shipments of the Australian oilseed in July-September of this year increased to 1.2 mln tonnes compared to 0.5 mln tonnes a year earlier.

“The increase of the canola exports from Australia to Pakistan, UAE, Japan and Mexico, which are the traditional markets of the Canadian oilseed, compensated the decrease of the shipments to the EU, which decreased by 0.6 mln tonnes in 2022/23 MY,” – the experts noted.

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