Australia: GrainCorp sites continue to see influx of harvested grain across eastern states


Rain may have delayed the harvesting of winter crops in some regions, but most sites across GrainCorp’s network have continued to see an influx of grain.

Since it’s last report, released earlier this month, 767,320 tonnes of grain have been delivered to GrainCorp sites across the eastern states, taking the overall total for the season to more than 2.2 million tonnes of grain.

In the past week, NSW was the biggest mover with more than 468,000 tonnes were delivered to GrainCorp sites, due in part to southern areas of the state such as the Griffith and Wyalong regions beginning harvest.

Despite being delayed by wet weather, canola and barley deliveries have been of high yield and of very good quality.

GrainCorp expects more areas of the state to come online after forecast wet weather passes.

As most northern Queensland growers wind down their harvesting, growers in the Western Downs, Darling Downs and Goondiwindi regions continue to ramp up operations, despite recent rain.

So far, more than 1.3 million tonnes of grain has been delivered to GrainCorp’s Queensland sites, including 298,400 tonnes in the past week.

Wet weather is expected to draw out the conclusion of harvest for most southern Queensland growers, most of whom are at half-way point of their harvest operations.

However, some of Victoria’s first crops have been harvested with producers in the northern areas of the Mallee region getting the headers rolling before storms delayed proceedings.

A total of 820 tonnes of grain was delivered to GrainCorp’s Victorian sites last week with more expected as weather patterns change.


The Land

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