Australia exports 77,589t chickpeas, 38,180t lentils in Sept

AUSTRALIA exported 77,589 tonnes of chickpeas and 38,180t of lentils in September, according to the latest export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

The chickpea figure is up 59 per cent from the 48,811t shipped in August, and represents the state of new-crop bulk exports out of Central Queensland.

Conversely, lentil shipments in September dropped 66pc from the August total of 113,543t.

Bangladesh on 36,255t followed by Pakistan on 19,437t and the United Arab Emirates on 10,091t were the three biggest chickpea markets.

On lentils, India was once again the biggest market, taking 13,024t in September, or around one third of its August total.

Sri Lanka on 10,616t followed by Bangladesh on 4718t and Nepal not far behind on 4586t were the next biggest lentil markets for September.

ABS has revised Australian chickpea exports to Pakistan for August to 27,897t, down from 33,357 stated in previous month.

On lentils, the revised August-shipment figure to Bangladesh has increased from the initially stated 24,271t, and exports to India have been cut from 61,415t.

NOTE: Numbers which changed from publication the previous month have been marked with an asterisk. Trade sources say adjustments to initial data submitted and published can include the diversion of cargo after departure from Australian ports, often also putting right an incorrect code applied earlier.

CHICKPEAS July August September Tonnes
Bangladesh 3758 *8122 36255 48135
Canada 801 *727  1537 3066
Egypt 150 225 513 888
Fiji 49 0 0 49
France 0 24 0 24
Greece 0 72 0 72
India 389 *0 0 389
Israel 0 0 24 24
Italy 72 72 96 240
Japan 0 0 24 24
Jordan 0 69 46 115
Malaysia 72 72 347 491
Mauritius 72 97 48 217
Nepal 1761 *2072 3384 7218
Netherlands 0 0 48 48
New Zealand 138 24 72 234
Pakistan 24581 *27897 19437 71915
Saudi Arabia 0 0 689 689
Singapore 26 50 168 244
South Africa 0 0 24 24
South Korea 24 48 48 120
Sri Lanka 75 123 293 490
Thailand 0 3 0 3
Turkey 0 *878 2508 3386
UAE 4332 *7083 10091 21505
UK 537 *1121 1523 3182
US 112 *32 343 487
Yemen 0 0 72 72
TOTAL 36949 *48811 77589 163349

Table 1: Australian chickpea exports for July, August and September 2021. Source: ABS

LENTILS July August September Tonnes
Bangladesh 31081 *41981 4718 77780
Egypt 0 877 1881 2758
India 4989 *39774 13024 57787
Lebanon 0 0 50 50
Malaysia 145 0 0 145
Mauritius 22 0 99 121
Myanmar 0 0 22 22
Nepal 3869 *3798 4586 12252
New Zealand 15 0 3 17
Pakistan 1852 499 0 2351
Singapore 0 2 0 2
South Africa 25 0 0 25
South Korea 24 0 0 24
Sri Lanka *12785 *3829 10616 27230
Taiwan 0 0 46 46
Turkey 0 *0 2886 2886
UAE 7089 22758 250 30097
Vietnam 0 1 0 1
Yemen 0 24 0 24
TOTAL *61896 *113543 38180 213620

Table 2: Australian lentil exports for July, August and September 2021. Source: ABS


Grain Central

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