Australia exports 2.66Mt wheat in May, up 11pc

AUSTRALIA exported 2.66 million (Mt) tonnes of wheat in May, up 11 per cent from 2.4Mt shipped in April, according to the latest export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Indonesia on 457,540t was the biggest market, followed by Vietnam on 422,624t and Kenya on 218,274.

“May was another big month of wheat exports, and continued the streak of big volume months for this calendar year,” Market Check head of strategy Nick Crundall said.

“Western Australia remains the load-bearer of the volume on around 962,000t, while New South Wales came in second after a decent jump month on month to 604,000t.

“Going forward, we can expect another big month in June of more than 2Mt before volumes should begin to drop as we reach the end of the exportable surplus in states like South Australia and WA.”

In containerised exports, volume dipped below 200,000t for the first time since December, with total boxed exports at 183,306t being down 11pc from the April total.

This could well be an indicator of compounding problems in the container market which are being felt most at Sydney’s Port Botany.

In the bulk durum market, Italy took 95,604t, the biggest monthly figure for a single durum destination seen in years which surpassed Australia’s durum exports to Italy seen in February of 84,375t.

BOXED March April May Tonnes
China 7505 10003 10209 27717
Egypt 2013 0 0 2013
Fiji 246 0 262 508
French Polynesia 124 0 125 249
Indonesia 15659 11368 24770 51796
Japan 2667 0 636 3303
Laos 501 0 502 1003
Malaysia 62858 25275 19546 107679
Myanmar 4769 512 12200 17482
New Caledonia 4518 1918 2006 8441
New Zealand 3450 1516 9481 14447
Papua New Guinea 1305 0 403 1708
Philippines 4821 1908 3114 9844
Saudi Arabia 1019 511 520 2050
Singapore 1489 22571 1725 25785
Solomon Islands 2066 793 1843 4702
South Korea 2487 2504 1850 6841
Taiwan 21278 20010 24606 65894
Thailand 18437 74949 10972 104357
UK 989 501 983 2472
Vietnam 47367 31637 57554 136557
Taiwan 8 0 0 8
TOTAL 205573 205975 183306 594855

Table 1: Australian March, April and May 2021 containerised wheat exports. Source: ABS

BULK March April May Tonnes
Bangladesh 0 13000 49627 62627
Burundi 0 8279 12300 20579
China 182342 161169 54639 398150
Egypt 0 86002 0 86002
Fiji 0 27244 10000 37244
Indonesia 360395 665091 432770 1458255
Japan 0 141808 62636 204444
Kenya 97699 70421 218274 386394
Kuwait 0 43356 0 43356
Malawi 0 20400 37050 57450
Malaysia 93940 55552 41000 190491
Mozambique 8000 51094 27000 86094
Myanmar 500 5400 28000 33900
New Zealand 25307 0 37300 62607
Nigeria 0 0 41800 41800
Oman 0 10595 58420 69015
Papua New Guinea 26070 0 44350 70420
Philippines 10715 92862 173486 277062
Rwanda 8734 14711 13159 36603
Saudi Arabia 175495 0 66000 241495
South Africa 161400 112030 160827 434257
South Korea 49500 54215 44550 148265
Sri Lanka 93165 51226 0 144391
Sudan 144385 0 72600 216985
Taiwan 0 0 525 525
Tanzania 27888 32320 56226 116434
Thailand 57941 154579 99537 312057
Uganda 42354 5000 58710 106064
UAE 0 24200 55000 79200
Vietnam 348570 198861 365070 912501
Yemen 142700 48601 55014 246315
Zambia 0 8000 6000 14000
Italy 32610 27440 95604 155654
Nigeria 0 13200 0 13200
TOTAL 2089710 2196654 2477473 6763838

Table 2: Australian March, April and May 2021 bulk wheat exports. Source: ABS



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