Australia: Chickpea exports rise, lentils plummet in Nov

Source:  GRAIN Central
чечевица бобовые

Australia exported 62,526 tonnes of chickpeas and 26,900t of lentils in November, according to the latest export data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Compared with the October shipment figures, the chickpea total is up 12pc from 55,906t, while the lentil figure has plunged 54pc from 58,355t.

Pakistan on 42,832t accounted for 69pc of Australia’s chickpea exports in November, with Bangladesh on 7586t and Nepal on 4023t the second and third-biggest markets.

On lentils, Egypt on 9387t followed by Sri Lanka on 7363t and India on 5013t were the three biggest markets.

The jump in chickpea volume shipped in November reflects new-crop availability out of Central Queensland.

On lentils, the plunge reflects the long delay in the South Australian and Victorian crops caused by an unusually mild and wet growing season.

Chickpeas Sep Oct Nov Tonnes
Bangladesh 2646 2048 7586 12280
Belgium 0 84 176 260
Canada 698 802 849 2348
Egypt 381 0 500 881
Fiji 22 0 17 39
France 24 24 0 48
Germany 0 48 24 72
Greece 0 0 24 24
Indonesia 0 0 11 11
Israel 24 0 0 24
Italy 72 144 96 312
Japan 0 46 0 46
Malaysia 97 96 312 505
Mauritius 241 193 126 560
Nepal 5242 3047 4023 12313
Netherlands 0 48 96 144
New Zealand 109 44 142 295
Pakistan 54631 37604 42832 135067
Romania 44 0 0 44
Portugal 0 24 0 24
Singapore 120 144 168 432
Spain 0 0 120 120
South Africa 0 24 0 24
South Korea 24 92 72 188
Sri Lanka 583 595 684 1862
Thailand 71 49 3 123
UAE 1104 9497 2745 13346
UK 973 881 1557 3411
US 135 371 340 846
Vietnam 0 0 24 24
Yemen 46 0 0 46
TOTAL 67287 55906 62526 185719

Table 1: Australian chickpea exports for September, October and November 2022. Source: ABS

LENTILS Sep Oct Nov Tonnes
Bahrain 751 0 0 751
Bangladesh 20155 4183 1789 26128
Egypt 1018 4687 9387 15092
India 15617 32402 5013 53032
Indonesia 0 2 1 3
Japan 0 96 0 96
Malaysia 0 0 151 151
Mauritius 25 24 96 145
Nepal 3471 5194 1381 10046
New Zealand 51 0 0 51
Pakistan 766 1759 1628 4152
Papua New Guinea 0 0 1 1
Singapore 27 0 0 27
South Africa 50 96 48 194
South Korea 72 0 20 92
Sri Lanka 10660 9835 7363 27858
Suriname 0 77 0 77
Taiwan 0 0 24 24
Thailand 24 0 0 24
UAE 13488 0 0 13488
TOTAL 66176 58355 26900 151430

Table 2: Australian lentil exports for September, October and November 2022. Source: ABS

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