Argentina’s grains inspectors union to launch strike

Source:  The Pig Site

Argentina’s grains inspectors union said it will launch a indefinite strike over wage demands starting after midnight on Thursday targeting grains storage facilities.

The URGARA union is an association of grain technicians who analyze grains held in storehouses and loaded on ships, so their strike could affect the country’s grain trade.

Argentina is the world’s leading exporter of soybean oil and meal, and the third-largest exporter of corn.

The union said in a statement that the strike, which will follow the expiration of a government-mandated conciliation period, would target grains storage facilities rather than ports.

Their demands come at a time when inflation has surged, with annual inflation exceeding 102% in February, which has hammered the purchasing power of Argentines and outstripped wages.

“We request the timely scheduled review of the sector’s salaries in order to correct the serious deterioration suffered by the salaries of our members in the face of the continuous and serious inflationary spiral that has destroyed them,” URGARA said in the statement.

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