Argentina expects the new wheat harvest to exceed last year’s by more than 40%

Source:  Latifundist

The wheat production in Argentina in 2024/25 MY may reach 21 mln tonnes, up 44.8% compared to the previous season (14.5 mln tonnes). This forecast was made by the analysts of Rosario Grain Exchange.

According to the monitoring data of the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the country planted wheat on 2.87 mln ha, which is 46.3% of the plan (+20.6% for the week).

Good production prospects and active pace of sowing campaign in Argentina is facilitated by sufficient soil moisture level. In addition, farmers, expecting new rains, can increase the area under grain.

According to the USDA forecasts, the wheat harvest in Argentina in 2024/25 MY will amount to 17.5 mln tonnes, and exports – 11.5 mln tonnes.

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