Argentina announces new measures to prevent ASF introduction

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Argentina’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Senasa, introduced new measures to prevent the entry of African swine fever (ASF) into the country.

The measure allows for the necessary tools to implement the strengthening and prevention measure that already exist. It came into force on 10 November following the signature of Senasa president Carlos Paz. The aim is to reduce the risk of entry, exposure and spread of ASF in both domestic and wild pigs and boars.

The health alert was declared through its Resolution 564. The countries includes in the CVP region – Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia – are working to establish preventative health alerts that allow budgetary provisions to be available should they face a health emergency.

Keeping the pig sector disease-free is a shared responsibility that benefits the entire country, said the bulletin. The Resolution establishes sanctions for those who fail or violate the measures taken.


The Pig Site

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