Areas under crops of corn, soybeans and sunflower in Ukraine will not change dramatically

Source:  UkrAgroConsult
микс сівозміна

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine held a working meeting on forecasts of sown areas in the current year. First Deputy Minister Taras Vysotsky discussed the potential volume and structure of crops with seed producers. In particular, it was about corn, soybean and sunflower crops.

According to preliminary forecasts made on the basis of an online survey of the Ministry of Agriculture and the forecasts of seed producers, in accordance with the requests of farmers, the sown areas of these crops will not change radically.

But it is already obvious that farmers will look for ways to reduce the cost of sowing and will choose crops that are less picky about mineral fertilizers, the prices of which are quite high.

Also, the forecast can be adjusted, depending on the general situation in the country, weather conditions and other factors.

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