Almost 78 million tons of new crop harvested in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult
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10 regions of Ukraine have already completed the harvest. In the rest of the regions, farmers are still harvesting corn, sunflower and sugar beet. As of the first week of December, almost 78 million tons of grain have been harvested: 57 million 57.7 thousand tons of grain and 20 million 723 thousand tons of oilseeds.

Grain and pulses crops were harvested on an area of 10,433 thou hectares with a yield of 54.7 c/ha, including

  • corn was harvested on 3,520 thou hectares at a yield of 76.4 c/ha, with a total harvest of 26 mln 882 thou tons;
  • wheat was harvested on 4 694.5 thou hectares, with a yield of 47.9 c/ha, and 22 478 thou tons were harvested;
  • barley was harvested on 1 504.5 thousand hectares with a yield of 39.3 c/ha, harvested 5 909 thousand tons;
  • peas were harvested on 154.4 thousand hectares at a yield of 25.9 c/ha, with a harvest of 399.5 thousand tons;
  • buckwheat was harvested on 139.7 thousand hectares at a yield of 14.8 c/ha, with a harvest of 207.4 thousand tons;
  • millet was harvested on 79.5 thou hectares at a yield of 22.6 c/ha, with a total harvest of 180 thou tons;
  • other grains and pulses were harvested on 340.1 thou hectares, with a yield of 1,002 thou tons.

As a reminder, Vinnytsia region is the leader in grain harvesting, with over 5 mln tons of grain harvested. Poltava and Cherkasy regions are next, with over 4 million tons of grain harvested in each region.

Oilseeds were harvested on an area of 8,215 thou hectares, namely

  • sunseed was harvested on an area of 5,014.5 thou hectares, yielding 11 mln 940 thou tons of seeds at 23.8 c/ha;
  • soybeans were harvested on an area of 1 804.2 thousand hectares, harvesting 4 million 778 thousand tons at a yield of 26.5 c/ha;
  • rapeseed was harvested on the area of 1 396 thou hectares, with a yield of 4 mln 5 thou tons of seeds at 28.7 c/ha. Harvesting is complete in all regions.

Sugar beets were dug on an area of 244.6 thousand hectares, 11,569.7 thousand tons of sweet roots were dug at a yield of 473 c/ha.

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