Almost 4.5 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

As of mid-October, Ukrainian farmers sowed almost 4.5 million hectares of winter crops. In total, winter crops were sown on the area of 3 343 thou hectares, of which 3 018 thou hectares were sown with wheat, 260 thou hectares with barley, and 63 thou hectares with rye.

Over the previous week, the increase in winter grain plantings amounted to 760 thsd ha. Volyn agrarians are in the lead as they have already sown 97% of the projected areas.

Winter rapeseed sowing is nearing completion, with 1 124 thou hectares sown. Over the previous week, 13.4 thou hectares of rapeseed were sown.

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