Almost 1.2 million hectares of winter crops sown in Ukraine

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

Ukraine is actively sowing winter crops. Agrarians of all regions, except Transcarpathia, have already sown 1 155 thou hectares, including 905.9 thou hectares of winter rape and 249 thou hectares of winter grains (wheat – 228.6 thou hectares, barley – 10.8 thou hectares and rye – 9.5 thou hectares).

Over the previous week, 251 thou hectares of winter rape were sown, and 204 thou hectares of winter grain.

Farmers in Volyn, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, and Chernivtsi regions have completed sowing of winter rape.

Sumy region sowed the most winter grains – 25.9 thou hectares, or 50% of the forecast, and Dnipropetrovs’k region sowed winter rape – 93.4 thou hectares, or 74.4% of the forecast.

Further development of grain and oilseed market in Ukraine and globally will be discussed at the International Conference ‘BLACK SEA GRAIN & OIL. THE WAY TO RECOVERY’ on September 14 in Kyiv. Join agribusiness professionals to discuss forecasts for the new 2023/24 season, prospects for investments, processing, logistics and exports for the recovery and development of Ukrainian agricultural sector.

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