AgroGeneration investment projects rescheduled for 2021 on coronavirus — CEO Bulavin

This year's major investment by AgroGeneration was planned in technology, but the projects were postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the company's CEO Sergiy Bulavin stated in an interview for

"This year, only the modernization of our elevators is planned. It will improve the quality of storage and delivery of railcars," said Sergiy Bulavin.

According to him, AgroGeneration also has no plans to continue land optimization. The company's objective in the near future is to keep it in the existing size. 

"I'm not planning any revolutionary steps yet. Our main task is to continue the organic growth of the company. This is first and foremost working on efficiency. Obviously, given the change in the company's structure last year, we will do it within new boundaries," said the CEO of the agricultural holding.

He noted that the principal objectives for this year are dictated by the following conditions: coronavirus, economic crisis.

"Therefore, new projects are not on the agenda, but the improvement of the economy per hectare," summed up Sergiy Bulavin.

As a reminder, Sergiy Bulavin was appointed CEO of AgroGeneration in early April 2020.

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