After winning the war, Ukraine will be able to increase agricultural production to 200 million tons in 10 years

After winning the war, Ukraine will be able to increase agricultural production to 200 million tons in 10 years and feed 600 million people on the planet annually. This was emphasized by Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, during the conference “From Vision to Future of Ukraine: Launching a Permanent Dialogue between the State and Business”.

He told the participants of the event how the agro-industrial complex can develop if all Ukrainian lands are de-occupied. He noted that the prospect of implementing such a strategy depends on the parallel development of other sectors of the economy.

“Our goals: to provide 600 million people on the planet with food, to develop a policy of import substitution and consume up to 90% of our own agricultural products, to increase competition in the processing sector and, accordingly, to process 50% of the harvest, to develop the biomethane market, to obtain an investment portfolio of $57 million are absolutely realistic, but for this we need another starting point,” the First Deputy said.

According to Taras Vysotsky, Ukraine can increase production to 200 million tons of agricultural products over the next 10 years, but to do so, it must have all 32 million hectares of land under cultivation and win the war.

“Many countries are already facing an acute shortage of food products, we are talking about 350 million people, while the world’s population is growing and climate conditions are changing not in the best way for the agricultural sector, so Ukraine’s potential on the agricultural map is significant and it can grow,” he said.

In addition, Taras Vysotsky added that Ukraine needs to focus on automation and digitalization of all agricultural processes to increase productivity and intensity of agricultural production.

For reference. The conference “From Vision to the Future of Ukraine: Launching a Permanent Dialogue between the State and Business”, organized by the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine and the Kyiv School of Economics, is the first event in a series of events dedicated to finding practical ways to implement Ukraine’s economic development and recovery strategy for the coming years. The conference was supported by the USAID Competitive Economy Program, the UK Government (UK Aid), and the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.

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