33 million tons of grain, which must be exported, are stuck in Ukraine

Source:  The Odessa Journal

As of February 2023, approximately 33 million tons of grain remain in Ukraine, which must be exported.

This was stated by Bohdan Kostetsky, the operating partner of the trading and analytical company Barva Invest, during a discussion panel at the Media Center “Ukraine – Ukrinform”‎.

Kostetsky noted that both last season’s grain and the 2022 harvest remain unexported. In particular, 21 million tons of corn, approximately 11 million tons of wheat, and 2.5 million tons of barley have not yet been shipped from Ukraine.

The expert emphasized that if the current dynamics of shipments within the framework of the “grain initiative”‎ are maintained, the export of these residues will continue until the end of the year.

“Today, we have approximately 33 million tons of grain remaining,” he said.

Kostetsky noted that 5-6 million tons of grain should be exported from Ukrainian seaports every month instead of 3 million tons, as has been the case in recent months.

According to the UN, from the beginning of the “grain agreement” from August 1, 2022 to February 12, 2023, Ukraine exported 21 million tons of food through the sea ports of the Odessa region.

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