30% of Mato Grosso’s 2021/22 Corn Will be Consumed Domestically


Farmers in Mato Grosso are expected to start planting their 2021/22 safrinha corn in early January and Conab estimates that farmers in the state will plant 6.27 million hectares (15.48 million acres), which is an increase of 8% compared to the prior year. The average yield is expected to be 6,298 kg/ha (100.1 bu/ac), which would be an increase of 12% compared to last year’s crop that was planted extremely late. Conab estimates the total corn production in the state at 39.5 million tons or an increase of 20.4% compared to last year.

The Mato Grosso Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) estimates that 12.0 million tons of corn (30.4% of the total) will be consumed within the state for ethanol production and animal rations and that 3.3 million tons (8.5% of the total) will be shipped to other states primarily for the livestock industry in southern Brazil. The remainder of 24.2 million tons (61.0% of the total) will be exported.

Mato Grosso is Brazil’s largest corn producing state responsible for approximately 30.2% of Brazil’s total 2021/22 corn acreage.


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