27.3 million tons of grain were harvested in Ukraine. Poltava, Vinnytsia, and Odesa regions have completed harvesting of early grains

Source:  UkrAgroConsult

As of the second half of August, harvesting was carried out on an area of 6,185.1 thousand hectares with a yield of 44.1 t/ha, 27 million 259 thousand tons of early grain crops were threshed, including:

4,384 thousand hectares of wheat were harvested (yield – 47.5 tons/ha), 20,818 thousand tons were threshed;

1,398,000 ha of barley were harvested (yield – 39.8 tons/ha), 5,567,000 tons were threshed;

152.2 thousand hectares of peas were harvested (yield – 24.9 tons/ha), 379.1 thousand tons were threshed;

2.32 thousand hectares of millet were harvested (yield – 12.1 tons/ha), 2.81 thousand tons were threshed;

0.08 thousand ha of buckwheat were harvested (yield – 11.3 tons/ha), 0.1 thousand tons were threshed.

249 thousand hectares of other grains and pulses crops were harvested, 492.1 thousand tons were threshed.

Zaporizhzhia agricultural producers are the leaders in grain harvesting, they harvested 96% of the area, the largest threshing remains in Odesa – 3.2 million tons.

Millet harvesting has started in Dnipropetrovsk region, Kherson region, Ternopil region and Odesa region.

13 regions have finished harvesting rapeseed. Currently, it has been harvested on an area of 1370.7 thousand hectares, 3944.1 thousand tons of seeds have been threshed with a yield of 28.8 tons/ha.

The agrarians of Poltava region, Vinnytsia region and Odesa region have completed the harvesting of early grain crops.

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