21 regions of Ukraine have already started sowing spring crops


The projected sown areas of the main spring crops for the 2022 harvest in the territory controlled by Ukraine are 13,438.4 thousand hectares, which is 3,477.9 thousand hectares less than last year.

21 oblasts of Ukraine have already started sowing spring crops, and 15 oblasts in Ukraine started sowing on the same date last year.

So all categories of farms are sown:

  • spring wheat 81.0 thousand hectares.
  • spring barley 327.3 thousand hectares.
  • spring rapeseed 7.6 thousand hectares.
  • oats 50.1 thousand hectares.
  • peas 62.3 thousand hectares.
  • sugar beet 30.6 thousand hectares.
  • sunflower 33.7 thousand hectares.
  • soybeans 10.4 thousand hectares.

According to information from the regions, sowing of winter crops for 2022 grain harvest was carried out on an area of 7.7 million hectares, including:

  • 6.5 million hectares of winter wheat and triticale were sown;
  • rye sown 159 thousand hectares;
  • barley sown 1 million hectares.

The first fertilization of winter crops with nitrogen mineral fertilizers and care of crops continues in agricultural enterprises.



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