2023 U.S. Corn Yield Lowered 1.0 Bushel to 174.0 Bu/Ac


The 2023 U.S. corn yield was lowered 1.0 bushel this week to 174.0 bu/ac.

Rainfall over the weekend favored the south-central and far northern Corn Belt as well as parts of the Delta. Rains are expected to be rather limited this week and favor the northern Midwest with dryer weather in the central and southern Midwest. Temperatures will be much warmer this week across the Midwest.

The corn yield was lowered 1.0 bushel this week due to limited rainfall in the northern states last week and the forecast for limited rainfall again this week. Additionally, some of the hottest temperatures of the summer are forecasted for this week. In the dryer areas, the combination of low rainfall and high temperatures will result in added stress for the corn.

Condition of the 2023 U.S. corn crop held steady last week at 57% rated good/excellent. The corn is 68% silking compared to 58% last year and 65% average. The corn is 16% dough compared to 12% last year and 14% average. The top five rated corn states are: Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The five lowest rated corn states are: Missouri, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota.

The 2023 U.S. corn crop is entering the grain filling period, which is the 60-day period following pollination, and the conditions during grain fill will go a long way to determining the final yield.

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