2023/24 Soybeans in Brazil 0.4% Planted


The 2023/24 soybean crop in Brazil was 0.4% planted as of late last week compared to 0,16% last year and 0.21% average according to Patria AgroNegocias. Mato Grosso was 0.5% planted and Parana was 1.6%.

The reason planting is a little ahead of average is due to the planting pace in Parana where adequate soil moisture has allowed farmers to start planting. A few farmers in Mato Grosso who intend to plant a second crop of cotton were given permission to start planting soybeans on September 1st instead of the traditional September 16th.

Temperatures this week in central Brazil are forecasted to be 5°C above average with many areas passing 40°C (104°F). Central Brazil should stay dry this week with maybe an isolated light shower. There were some rains last week in western Mato Grosso, but the coverage was limited. Improved chances of rainfall in central Brazil may return later next week.

In the meantime, metrologists are warning farmers not to get too anxious to plant their soybeans in dry conditions. Any soybeans that manage to germinate under these high temperatures will probably have to be replanted. The forecast for southern Brazil continues to be wet.

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