2023/24 Brazil Safrinha Corn Acreage to Decline, Less Inputs


Brazil’s 2023/24 corn production will be determined by the safrinha corn crop which will be planted in January-February-March. All indications point to a smaller safrinha corn acreage and farmers spending less on inputs due to low corn prices, late planting of the soybeans, and potential erratic weather during the safrinha corn growing season.

Individual farmers report a wide range of potential reductions for their safrinha corn acreage ranging from 10-15% to 50% depending on how late they planted their soybeans. Everyone indicates they will spend less on the 2023/24 safrinha corn.

The first corn crop in Brazil was 91% planted last week compared to 93% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 8% for the week. Corn planting is approaching completion in southern Brazil with the remaining corn left to plant in primarily northeastern Brazil.

The first corn planting in Parana was 99% complete with 1% germinating, 46% in vegetative development, 40% pollinating, and 13% filling grain as of earlier last week. The corn is rated 4% poor, 16% average, and 80% good. Deral lowered their estimate of the first corn crop in Parana to 3 million tons, which is down 100,000 tons from October. If verified, this would be down 19% from last year’s crop. Deral estimates that farmers in the state planted 379,100 hectares of first cop corn, which is down 12% compared to last year.

Corn planting in the state Rio Grande do Sul reached 85% complete as of late last week, which is a small advancement for the week. Farmers in the state prioritized their soybean planting last week. Farmers are concerned about foliar diseases due to the persistent wet conditions and an infestation of corn leafhoppers.

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