2023/24 Argentina Corn 5.7% Harvested, Yields Averaging 140 bu/ac


Rainfall over the weekend in Argentina favored generally central and east-central areas. The rains slowed the drydown of the crops in southern Santa Fe and Entre Rios. This week, the rain will favor northeastern Argentina with dryer conditions elsewhere in Argentina.

Corn in Argentina was 5.7% harvested as of late last week which represents an advance of 2% for the week. The average corn yield thus far is averaging 8,830 kg/ha (140.3 bu/ac), which is up 2 bu/ac from last week. The yields range from 5,430 kg/ha (86.3 bu/ac) in southwestern Buenos Aires and southern La Pampa to 10,090 kg/ha (160.4 bu/ac) in the northern core area.

The corn estimate was left unchanged this week, but there is heavy disease pressure from corn stunt disease and there is a possibility that the corn estimate might be trimmed in the weeks ahead.

Corn in Argentina was rated 25% poor/very poor, 53% fair, and 22% good/excellent as of late last week. The good/excellent percentage was down 2% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 28% short/very short, 71% favorable/optimum, and 1% saturated. The favorable/optimum percentage was down 6% compared to the prior week. Below is the Argentina corn rating for March 26, 2024 from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.



2023/24 Argentina Corn Ratings*


Condition Soil Moisture
Poor/V. Poor % Good/Excellent % Short/V Short Favorable/Optimum
Feb. 21, 2024 15 (51) 28 (9) 29 (60) 71 (40)
Feb. 28, 2024 13 (56) 30 (6) 24 (63) 76 (37)
Mar. 6, 2024 13 (59) 29 (5) 23 (65) 77 (35)
Mar. 13, 2024 17 (60) 25 (7) 23 (63) 76 (37)
Mar. 21, 2024 21 (58) 24 (5) 21 (55) 77 (45)
Mar. 27, 2024 25 (53) 22 (9) 28 (49) 71 (51)

*Source: Buenos Aires Grain Exchange – Crop Condition & Development Stages

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